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Description: Refurbish a grocery store exhibit

Exhibit Budget: $40K 

Size: 900 sq ft

Date: 2016-2017

Exhibits Project Team: Bob Engel, Danielle Schlunegger-Warner, Luis Toribio, Rabia Shahab


Knowing where our food comes from and exploring foods from different cultures strengthens our communities. The Market welcomes everyone to seek connections while they playfully explore the role of food in the stories of our lives. The vision for this popular space was to deepen a food-based experience for children and their caregivers by creating an environment that was rich in materiality and imaginative play. We used reclaimed material that we found around Portland. The Market includes opportunities for cooking, gardening, working, shopping, and eating. 

"The family meal is very important.

It is the [birthplace] of democracy.”

- Michael Pollan

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